as President Indian Psychiatry society 31.1.2019 to 25.1.2020.
“Symposium on LGBTQ” at Bhubaneshwar 23.9.2017. Organized by LGBTQ speciality section of IPS.
Mrugesh Vaishnav Chairing a session on “Covert Medicines in Psychiatry” at 48th National conference of IPS west zone. 28th th September 2017
Participated in a debate on “Cut practice-Ethical and Moral Issues” at 48th National conference of IPS west zone. 30th September 2017
“New Frontiers in Male sexual Disorder” in 39th annual conference of Indian Psychiatric society Central zone, at GSMV Medical college, Kanpur, on 5th to 7th October 2017.
“Use of Anti-Depressants in Bipolar Disorders” Delivered a lecture at CEZIPS 2017 Gangtok. 14-16th October 2017
“Virtual Sex, Pornography, Sex toys and Sexuality” Delivered a lecture at IAPP Punjab and Chandigarh Branch Annual Conference 2017 Ludhiana. 26-27th October.
Presentation on “Growing Up is a Fun-Child and Adolescent Sexuality” at 21st world congress of World mental health Federation at Delhi on 4.11.2017.
“Managing comorbidities and treatment side effects in Schizophrenia” SEAL Schizophrenia Expert Conclave. Dr. Mrugesh Vaishnav speaking on on 12th November 2017 Ahmedabad.
“Violence and women” Chaired a session at 24th Annual conference of social Psychiatry at Guwahati from 17th to 19th November – 2017