as President Indian Psychiatry society 31.1.2019 to 25.1.2020.
“Violence Against Doctors” Chairperson at 72nd Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society on 24.01.2020 at Kolkata.
CME Inaugural address ANCIPS Lucknow 31.1.2019
“Mental Health Nation’s Wealth” Inaugural Key Note Address at 71rst ANCIPS Lucknow 31.1.2019
“Love, Sex & Relationships, my journey of 40 years” Presidential Address, 71ST annual conference of Indian Psychiatric society, Lucknow, 31.1.2019.
“Contemporary Developments in Psychoanalysis for Psychiatrists” Chairperson at 71st Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society at Lucknow on 31.01.2019
“Youth & Sexuality” Delivered lecture at Symposium “Mental Health in College days” organized by Indian Institute of Science, College Mental Health Task Force of Indian Psychiatry society and IPS Karnataka Chapter on 1.2020 at J.B. Auditorium, Bengaluru.
“Hospital Psychiatry Evolution & Reflection” Lecture delivered at Hospital Psychiatry Symposium Organized by M.GM Medical College Indore. 1.2020.
“Psycho Education to Care Givers and Patients of Mental illness” organized by Indian Psychiatry society, Public Education and Awareness committee at Nehru Science Centre Bombay on 29th December,2019
“Suicide Prevention in India” Key Note address at CME organized by Suicide prevention Task force of IPS at Kolkata,12.2019