as President Indian Psychiatry society 31.1.2019 to 25.1.2020.
“Positive use of media & technology” Inaugural key note address at 2nd National CME on youth mental health” Organized by Youth Mental Health Sub Committee of Indian Psychiatry Society , Pune 8.9.2019
Inaugural Address at Geriatric Psychiatry conference, Tirupati 7/9/2019
Chairing a session at World congress of World Psychiatry association, Lisbon, Portugal 22/8/2019.
“Avabai Wadia Oration awards” at 35th annual national onference of CSEPI Vizag, 16.8.2019.
“National Psychotherapy symposium” Key note address at Auditorium Gujarat institute of Mental Health, Ahmedabad. 15.8.2019
“Mind & Sex Indian Psychiatric Society National Midterm CME” Inaugural Key Note address as President IPS, on 10.08.2019 at Mysuru.
“Love and sex in Health and diseases” curtain raiser Presidential address at Midterm CME IPS at 9th to 11th August 2019, at Mysore.
Chaired a webinar on ” Brief Psychological Therapies” by Dr.Vikram Patel, Harvard on 30th July, Organized by Community Psychiatry Speciality section of IPS.
“More Porn, Less Sex – The Hidden Epidemic in Bedroom” Speaker at Speciality Sections: MHCA Task Force & Biological Psychiatric Section DEVACON 2019 on 07.2019 at Varanasi.