as President Indian Psychiatry society 31.1.2019 to 25.1.2020.
“Interface between Neurology and Psychiatry” Inaugural Keynote Address at CME on Neuropsychiatry Update organised by IPS Gujarat State Branch on 02.06.2019 at Vadodara.
“Lithium and Mood Stabilisers in Bipolar Disorder” Chairperson at 173nd Annual National Conference of American Psychiatric Association 2019 at San Francisco on 19.05.2019.
Chaired Symposium at Indo American Association at Hotel Mark, San Francisco. Represented India in 173rd Annual Meeting of American Psychiatric Society on Invitation of President-APA between 18-22nd May 2019 at San Francisco.
“Behavioural & Psychological Symptoms of Dementia” CME at Ahmedabad Medical association organized by AMA, Senior citizen’s club. Ahmedabad, 12.5.2019.
Inaugural Key Note address at Mid Term CME West Zone,Nashik, 27.4.2019
Chairing a session at Mid term CME IPS west zone, Nashik, 27th April 2019
“Key note address” at Sneha suicide update Chennai, 12th & 13th April 2019
Press conference at IMA Delhi to oppose the title Mental Hai Kya? 20th April 2019, Delhi.
“Unmet need in management of Depression” SMS medical college Jaipur, on 22nd April 2019.