Depression – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Understand Depression - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Welcome to Samvedana Happiness Hospital‘s comprehensive guide to understanding depression and the various treatment options available. As a leading institution for mental health care in Ahmedabad, we are committed to providing compassionate support to individuals struggling with depression.

Types of Depressive Disorders:

Know Everything About Depression

Explore the reasons behind feeling low or hopeless. Whether it's tough times, overwhelming stress, or just the way our minds work, we'll shed light on what might be causing these feelings. Discover the subtle signs of depression that might be hiding in plain sight. From changes in sleep and appetite to losing interest in things you once loved, we'll help you recognize when it might be more than just a bad day.

Depression at Samvedana Happiness Hospital

At Samvedana Happiness Hospital, we recognize the profound impact depression can have on individuals and their loved ones. Our approach to treating depression is holistic, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying factors contributing to the condition. Here's what sets our depression treatment program apart:

Disruptive Mood Disorder:

Disruptive Mood Disorder is a condition where people often get really upset or angry, much more than usual. These outbursts can happen a lot, and they can be really intense, making it hard for the person to control their feelings. Sometimes, they might shout, break things, or even get into fights. It’s like their emotions are on a rollercoaster, going up and down all the time. This can make it tough for them to get along with others and do everyday things like going to school or work. But with the right help and support, they can learn ways to manage their emotions better and feel more in control.

Major Depressive Disorder:

Major Depressive Disorder is a serious condition where someone feels really sad and hopeless for a long time, like weeks or months. It’s not just feeling down for a day or two. Everything might seem hard or not enjoyable anymore, even things they used to love. Some days, they might not even want to get out of bed. It’s like a heavy cloud hanging over them, making it tough to see any brightness in life. But there’s hope! With support from friends, family, and professionals, they can find ways to feel better and see the sunshine again. Our team understands how tough it can be, but we’re here to help with personalized treatment plans, including therapy and medication, to guide you through these difficult emotions.

Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia):

Persistent Depressive Disorder, also known as Dysthymia, is when someone feels sad most of the time, even when things seem okay. It’s like a constant low mood that just won’t go away, lasting for years sometimes. Even during good days, they might still feel down. It can make everyday life feel like a struggle, affecting how they think, feel, and act. But there’s hope! With the right support and treatment, they can learn to manage their feelings better and find brighter days ahead. Our team understands how tough it can be, but we’re here to help with a holistic approach that addresses both the emotional and physical aspects of this condition, aiming to improve overall well-being.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder:

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a condition linked to the menstrual cycle, causing severe mood swings, irritability, and physical symptoms in the days leading up to menstruation. It’s like having intense mood swings that can make it hard to cope with everyday life. These feelings can be so strong that they interfere with work, school, or relationships. It’s important to know that PMDD is different from regular PMS (premenstrual syndrome) because the symptoms are more severe and can seriously affect a person’s well-being. With support from healthcare professionals and self-care strategies, people with PMDD can find relief and feel better during this time of the month.

Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder:

Depression can be triggered by the use of certain substances or medications. It’s essential to recognize the role these external factors can play in affecting mood. Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder happens when certain substances or medications make someone feel depressed or sad. It’s like their mood gets down because of what they’re taking. These substances can include alcohol, drugs, or even certain medicines. When someone’s going through this, it can be really tough to feel happy or motivated. It’s important to get help and support to figure out what’s causing the depression and find ways to feel better. With the right treatment and guidance, people can overcome this and start feeling more like themselves again.

Depressive Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition:

Some medical conditions, such as chronic illnesses or hormonal imbalances, can lead to depressive symptoms. Treating the underlying condition is crucial in managing depression in these cases. Depressive Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition is when someone feels sad or down because of a health problem they have, like chronic pain, cancer, or a thyroid issue. It’s like their body’s health issue is affecting their mood too. Dealing with both physical and emotional problems can be really tough. They might feel overwhelmed or hopeless at times. But it’s important to know that their feelings are valid, and they’re not alone. By working closely with healthcare providers, they can find ways to manage both their medical condition and their mood. With the right support and treatment, they can start feeling better and regain a sense of control over their life.

Other Specified Depressive Disorder:

This category includes depressive symptoms that don’t fit neatly into other diagnostic criteria but still cause distress and impairment in daily life. Other Specified Depressive Disorder is a type of depression where someone might have symptoms that don’t fit neatly into other categories. It’s like their feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or low energy don’t quite match what’s described for other types of depression. Even though their symptoms may not fit a specific diagnosis, it doesn’t mean they’re not struggling. These feelings can still impact their daily life and make it hard to cope. The good news is that there’s help available. With support from mental health professionals, they can explore their feelings and find the right treatment to start feeling better. It’s okay to reach out for support, even if their experience doesn’t match exactly what they’ve heard about depression before.

Unspecified Depressive Disorder:

Unspecified Depressive Disorder is diagnosed when depressive symptoms are present but don’t meet the criteria for any specific depressive disorder. It’s a catch-all category for cases where symptoms are significant but don’t fit a clear pattern. It’s like feeling sad or down, but not fitting the specific criteria for other types of depression. This can be confusing because their feelings are real, even if they don’t match what they’ve heard about depression before. It’s important for them to know that their experiences are valid, and they’re not alone in their struggles. With support from mental health professionals and loved ones, they can explore their feelings and find ways to feel better. Seeking help is okay, even if their symptoms don’t fit neatly into a specific diagnosis. What matters most is getting the support they need to start feeling better and living a happier life.

Seeking Help:

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of depression, it’s essential to seek professional help promptly. Our comprehensive approach to treatment, including therapy, medication management, and lifestyle modifications, ensures personalized care tailored to your needs.

Meet Dr. Mrugesh Vaishnav: Your Trusted Psychiatrist in Ahmedabad

Dr. Mrugesh Vaishnav is a highly esteemed psychiatrist renowned for his compassionate approach in treating individuals grappling with depression and other mental health challenges in Ahmedabad and beyond. Embracing a holistic methodology, Dr. Vaishnav provides comprehensive care, integrating medication management, psychotherapy, and psychosocial support to empower his patients towards achieving their treatment objectives and leading fulfilling lives.

As a prominent figure in psychiatry, Dr. Vaishnav merges his clinical proficiency with a profound dedication to empathetic care, ensuring that each patient receives personalized attention tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Whether you’re seeking assistance for yourself or a loved one struggling with depression, Dr. Mrugesh Vaishnav is committed to accompanying you on your path to recovery.


Depression is a complex condition, but with the right support and treatment, recovery is possible. At Samvedana Happiness Hospital, we’re committed to helping you overcome depression and rediscover joy in life. You’re not alone—let us walk with you towards a brighter, healthier future.

Ready to reclaim your happiness?

Take the first step towards healing. Our compassionate team is here to support you on your journey to overcoming depression. Schedule your appointment now and let's start rebuilding your happiness together.

Our Services

Outpatient Department with specialty services in de-addiction, Child & adolescent problems & sexual helath
Drugs & Alcohol de-addiction with day care unit
Advanced instruments for evaluation, diagnosis & treatment of sexual dysfunction