“સુખ ને એક અવસર તો આપો” Mrugesh Vaisjnav Delivering lecture on 30.9.2015 bet 5 to 6.30 as a part of “Shri Bhandrankar Vidhyadeepak Gyan-vigyan Vyakhyan Shreni,” organized by Gujarati Vishvakosh Bhavan Opp. Bandhu Sanaj Society, Usmanpura. Dr. Vaishnav is welcomed by Padmashree Kumarpal Desai. other photographs with audience and dignitaries.
Adolescent Education Programme 30.12.2014.
Mrugesh Vaishnav with Dr. Kirit SOlanki MP & Dr. Bipin Sikka DY. Mayor Ahmedabad Municipal corporation
Family Planning Association Of India Ahmedabad Organized Press Conference On the occasion of launching Adolescent Education Program In the State. Dr. Mrugesh Vaishnav Addressing Press Meet to explain the need for Adolescent Sexuality Education & seven modules of adolescent education program. 21.6.2013
દામ્પત્ય જીવન ને ધબકતું કેમ રાખશો? ” How to rekindle Love in midlife crisis of marital Relationship”, at Rotary Club Ahmedabad Airport on Sat. 28.1.2017.
મહિલા સશક્તિકરણ, “Empowering the Female by Deaddiction of labour workers” Nashabandhi Fortnight celebration 12 Feb 2002
“અર્ધ જાગૃત મન ની અગાધ શક્તિ ને ઓળખો” –“The power of Subconscious mind” an awareness lecture in the MANN Alumni Meeting organized by MANN Academy on the date of 17 Dec 2000
“Psychological Factors behind Teen age criminal Mindedness” TV9 channel interview on 30.12.2017.
On the eve of world suicide prevention day Live phone in program on Doordarshan by Dr. Mrugesh Vaishnav on 9.9.2017 betwee. 6 pm to 7 pm. “Stop for 5 minutes” Live phone in program on 10.9.2017 on Door Darshan
“પરીક્ષા ના સત્યાવીસ સાથીદારો” Tips or stress free exam RBRC Girl’s School at farewell ceremony of 10th and 12th std. girls on 2.3.2017 at 11 am.